The GIFT Workshop #4

Session 4: Home Health, Hospice and Memorials, Celebrations & End of Life

At VillagesOKC, we empower adults to age with vitality and purpose. Our core values are to learn, plan and serve. While all of these are important to successful aging, we think a key component is planning. If you plan for potential transitions – a hospital stay, a move, or aging in place, you can be well prepared and you will have less anxiety about those transitions. Don’t assume your family knows what you want – write it down!

A great way to begin this preparation is to spend time organizing and documenting your important information and wishes. VillagesOKC has developed The GIFT – an interactive workshop guiding participants through 12 key areas most affected by life transitions. We try to keep groups small – usually 12 people or less. Local guest professionals add to the experience by providing valuable resources and experience about their topic.  Each participant receives a binder and USB drive.

The GIFT is free to VillagesOKC members, and we encourage members to take The GIFT each year. Information changes frequently, and it’s important to keep your book up to date. For participants who are not members, the fee is $199. The GIFT is divided into four sections. If you wish to participate in a single session the fee is $89 each.


Mar 27 2024


10:00 am - 11:30 am

More Info

Register Here




Acclaim Living
12525 N Pennsylvania Ave OKC, OK 73120


Dana Bellows
[email protected]

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